Saturday, April 18, 2009

KZB on:Never judge a book by its cover

I wasn't one of the cynical audiences, definitely. I can't say I am never cynical, but I gave chance to the lady. She doesn't look silly, she was really cute! At least better looking than my class rep, I practically can't believe he can be a 16As scorer, seeing that how he looked.

But that is beside the point, this is what I'm talking about.

I knew something significant about this woman when I checked up on youtube. Seriously, I didn't know anything about her but the first sight, she have this special spark in her eyes. No I'm not in love with her, but she seemed to glow , A LOT.

"I dreamed a dream" from Les Miserables, Ms Susan Boyle made herself popular instantly when she sent her voice vibrating in the hall.

British Got Talent recorded every moment of her singing and sent it on air.

2,593,440 views on youtube through this link and you will know exactly how I feel.

Honestly, this brings me back on how world is getting cynical nowadays. Not giving chances to anyone when they don't look as capable as they do. But sometimes, looks do portray someone.
For example, this girl in the crowd. I bet she got thrown with rotten eggs and banana skins when she stepped into the streets. Bet she needed a plastic surgery.

But, I don't think its fair to blame her because, most of us do have the reaction that she had.

Case 1:
I rolled my eyes when I saw my class rep the first day but upon discovering his 16A1s, i think I need to roll back.

Case 2:
I rolled my eyes when I saw an amateur squash player but upon discovering he is a pro table tennis player, I rolled back again.

Case 3:
My cousin rolled his eyes when he first saw my friend's laugh but upon discovering he is the best malaysian squash player under18, he choked in his shandy.

Cynical, this is how world spins around today. People seldom present up to how they are capable of, yet, this is how we test and know someone else's sincerity. Like how restaurants have to serve every customer stepped into in the house.

Well, I know its a lil slow of me but, just wanna blog on something we go through everyday.

Swithering Away,

1 comment:

  1. Ah Susan Boyle... 47 year old lady...

    When she sings and talks really make a big difference.. Now she's so famous

    Yea Simon is one of them (cynical).. Trying to cover line after she sings LOL stupid Simon "I knew there were something special in u when U stepped on the stage"
