Showing posts with label z-troductions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label z-troductions. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Buffetting : Odaiba Memorial

Most people from the social media network thought I was being a Japan fanatic, posting about Odaiba and all.

Yet, lil do they know, I'm a Digimon fanatic instead.

Odaiba Memorial was set on the 1st of August, in which in the year of 1999 in the same date, Digimon Adventures was released, as well as the date which the main characters, Digidestined was brought to the Digital World, one which runs parallel to the human world of which the digital components made up a universe.
courtesy of muku scout.

This was the series, with such vivid and distinct traits and concept which brought my love towards Japan when I was younger. Of course, growing up I'd realized I was drawn over much more than just Digimon alone. There was Pokemon, Sailor Moon ,Dragon Ball  the culture, the people, and the technologies as well.

Why Odaiba? It was the place which Digimon was based on in Japan, where the protagonists grew up, advanced the plot, and the place which the series ended with a sequel.
courtesy of muku scout.
And it is so meaningful that the team used Odaiba, because of the nature of the satellite city of Tokyo being one of the most bustling technological area back then.

The concept of the digital universe, the character development, and the reasoning behind the formation of the whole component was remarkably sculpted by the producers.

Everything started, on the summer of 1991.

Happy 13th Odaiba Memorial to all Digimon Fans out there, and to the characters who lived in the series, you will always be a part of me, reminding me of my growth.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Buffetting : Dogathon

Whew, that was another long break form blogging. Thanks to the 3 days holiday with Awal Muharam replacement, I have another 2 days to spare for assignments, exam preps and BLOGGING~

So back to Dogathon! It was like I don't know 2 months ago? And oh well, who cares just freaking blog about it.

It happened on the 2nd Oct(freaking clashed with Adidas run WTHECK??!!!), and geez I'm telling you making the biggest event in UPM, and largest dog assembly in Msia is no joke.

Apparently all DVM1s are signed up automatically as volunteers to help out around the event before, during and after.

And yes, I was somehow selected for one of the programs.

Since the name of the event itself Dog-A-Thon, there's definitely a run prepared, being the 1st and main program of the event.

The run was given a fancy name, Race to the Wonderland, since the whole theme this year was based on Alice in Wonderland.

And heck I was being selected to be the Personal Assistant of the race's programmer.

What's worse, the race uses up the most time to prepare, most man power and guess what? It was the 1st event, and the fastest one to end among all programs.

Record was an hour only.

We spent, I don't know 3 days to prepare it?

my boss with his hauler sorting

Not to mention the previous endless nights trying to get timekeepers, track keepers, tags, mapping out routes, yadda yaddas, that tops up to like a few month's of total prep.

And it ended, in 1 hour.

Oh well, I wonder how much of experience and $$$ we've generated.

Probably not enough to cover costs since we depended lots on sponsors.

Anyway, Dogathon was fun!

From prep to clean up, I totally enjoyed every single process of it, excluding the blisters caused when I hammering the "pacaks" to make tracks along Bukit Expo.

For prep, we started since Friday, and the event was on Sunday.

Most of us did preps our own division, and as for mine was setting up trails and signboards along them, including 5 different obstacles. Plus, lining up flags from sponsors.

Geez sponsors sometimes are cranky.

"I can't see my flags properly!"

"Get the flags in line, they don't look abundant!"

Bla bla blas~ you know the drill.

Trust me, preparing those trails weren't easy, I was still marring the last signboard 5 am on the event itself.

Talk about last minute work.

Then it was the day itself.

People started pouring in 6.30 am, with owh my Gourd so cute doggies!!!!!

From golden retriever to the siberian huskies, my my they all looked to magnificent!

Spotted a few familiar faces here and there, and that includes the CF instructor with his huskies.

A few more, but I guess a celebrity is much easily remembered.

Okay, so back to my work.

Walkie talkie has became but a tool instead of a gadget now. Remembered how we awed over those cool talking shoes without any dialing required? Well, it's so normal in university now.

My job was to stay at 100 meters away from the finishing line, take note of the colors of the incoming runners' tags and notifying the finish line time keepers via talkies.

Yea, seemed to ca-le-fe right? It's important cause we don't wanna mixed up timing and scores for 20 winners. You know how uptight people can get when it comes to placing, we don't exactly have cool time chip system like marathons have.

Oh the work doesn't stop here, I had to sort out the winners and call them one by one to tell them they won with my boss cause I was the PA,

If he's working, I should be working.

However, he rest, I have to work too, cause that's how system works.

Plus, he's attached, I'm not, and heck I'm a first year.

Called the winners, and I had to get them to the NST reporter for each champions of the categories because the Dogathon director wanted me to.

Helped out here and there to clean up, snapped pictures everywhere and mind my own business.

There were other programs too, like Round the Rabbit Hole, Fastest Eating Duo, Mad Hatter's Tea Time, Hail The Queen, Doggies Paw Paw, Catch and Fetch and many more. Just go to Dogathon site to check things out.

Oh yea, pack up.

Spent like 3 whole hours to unscramble everything so that we can return them into the stores and sponsors.

Thank goodness I had a CRV with me to bring things around easily and the seniors were smart enough to rent cars and bikes to ease things around.

One even went up to 6000rpm over a BUMP on the rented Kancil.

Talk about ignorance.

The thing I'd realized during this event was, there are always people who don't bother, and that's a whole large number of them.

The ones who stayed, are sadly ALL Chinese, and its always the same bunch, MY bunch.

The seniors told us that subsequent years the same thing will happen, and we should always know that silently in our mind, not thinking negatively about the other DVMs, 1-3 who never really partake the event.

It's logical to do that, but ethically, it there anything positive to think about people who don't even care?

Well, its normal, even outside university grounds. Those who devote will shine and ultimately gain most. That's what we are certain of.

And of course, those who stay are the ones I'm in company with, and the best among all. At least I know I'm in good company always.

Conclusion, I had fun, it was a great experience. I don't mind taking part again next year, too bad I will be an outsider next year, instead of a Vet student.

For more photos, go here!

They have this event on every year, so dog lover bloggers out there, go support okay!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Buffetting : Lyrics writing

Wee~I'm in the weird mood to write out some lyrics and melodies~

I've gotten the lyrics and the song going on, but due to my limited music knowledge in the poo-poo head of mine, I can only give you the lyrics.

Kinda cheesy, but screw that, at least this is what I need now.









When I'm good enough with the notes, then I'll ask one of my friends to sing it for you guys.

As for now, laugh at my cheesy lyrics thanks

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Buffetting : Friday Friday.

So its like everyone is doing a parody of Rebecca Black's FRIDAY in different language.

Living in a multiracial country like Msia, we just can't pass out an opportunity to flaunt our known language can we?

So there we have a list of different languages' Friday:

The original

Malay version

Hokkien version

Chinaman Chinese version

And last but not least, yours truly's

Japanese version.

Laugh all you want I don't care. At least I have a 15 minutes of fame XD

Monday, March 21, 2011

Buffetting : Guy Power

Just to make an extra post on the UCLA thing, I found guy power too!

OMgourd he looked heck of a sexy singer in the video man. Seriously, how sexy can we Asian men get?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Buffetting : Can't Get Her Off My Mind

Have you ever seen one person and just "POOF" her image just sticks to your head like FOREVER.

Binn doesn't really have like super strong affection for this particular person, but the way she brought herself and the features are just so, vivid in the head.

Binn presents:

Raina Hein!

Noticed her while watching America's Next Top Model(aka ANTM), during her finals with rival Krista White.

They were both really good in their shots, and its impossible to imagine laymen being in front of the camera strutting around and pull out poses like they do.
Can you imagine posing with only one accessory with THAT size?

Personally, Raina was the favorite because of the positive energy she brought in the show, and her casual self is actually much more attractive than her model self.
Loved the family picture!

Bubbly, perky, natural. Pretty much something Binn want to be, as well as finding them in the future mate.

Yet, those positive energy had slowly drained off in the recent years for some reasons which are still unknown.

Anyway, Raina sticks in head because of her look, personality and most importantly, her upbringing.

So, are there any personalities, be it same or opposite sex sticks in your head?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Buffetting: Seasons

Most family would probably demand for a reunion at this particular time of the year, when people come together and tell each other how they look like compared to the year before, be it in a positive or negative manner.

The younger generation will obviously attract the most attention, in which the adults would start groping them everywhere appropriate and telling them how big and huge they get and how the adults have grown older. Well, at least this is what happens in MOST traditional Chinese family.

I for once would love to have a Christmas experience in 2011, and the exchange of presents and turkey smacking would really occur. You remember how we were fascinate by those Christmas dinners shown in the 19" TV back in the 00's? Some how I am just dying to experience those kind of scenarios, at least once before I enter adulthood. Not to say that I'm not going to celebrate it later on, to celebrate the festival with a child's heart, is some how different to me.

At any rate, I'm a somewhat semi-traditional Chinese, and there are some traditional festivals which I still require my conscious to hold up and practice.

The winter festival/solstice, also known as 冬至 is a day when most Chinese families reunites and celebrates the festival by making and eating glutinous rice balls or dumplings together.

From where I see it, the whole point of the festival is providing s short time span for the family to spend while working on the dumplings together. The spherical shape of the dumpling somehow resembles and becomes a pun for the unity of a family, namely 团圆。

团is most probably referring to the pre-deposition of the rice balls, and the rice flour exists in the state of a lump, somehow close to a ball shape before it is nipped down to small sizes.

圆is obviously referring to the shape of the made rice balls, where their shapes are more or less spherical in shape.

When these 2 Chinese characters are used together, they bring the meaning of Unity. And I believe the whole point of celebrating this solstice is to strengthen the bond and promote the unity of a family.

What we normally do in MY family is pretty much the same every year, including the constant yelling at each other for those blardy-damned-looking rice balls as if each of them got rolled down the stairs at least a few thousand times.

Since I'm the biggest, literally, in the family, I was held responsible to knead the rice flour until they become tender and good-looking enough to be sliced and diced into spherical balls.

Well, throughout the session of flour pounding and rice ball spherical-synthesizing, any topic can be raised including the color of the rice balls, down to how lights are being refracted(all hail light spectrum), what size of the rice balls will be the best, and back to bombarding each other for the absurd-shaped rice balls.

I do enjoy most of the sessions, except for the constant blaming of the parents for how things got messed up, when it was clearly their fault. Well, its just so typical of adults to not admit they are wrong and blaming the youngsters for their fall.

Did I mentioned about the soup? Well I'm not sure what kind of culinary term to use here, I guess sweet soup is the best word to describe it. It's basically a boil of pandan leaves and sugar into simmer and the addition of ginger slices to give it some tangy sensation instead of the bland sweetish taste. Believe it or not, when the balls and the soup come together, it tasted as if the flare blazed all over you, or at least, me.

Well, that's practically what I have celebrated throughout these 2 weeks after STPM.

Celebrating the solstice once more reminds me of how fast 2010 has passed, and I have already grown older by a year. When I look back, I've realized that I've grown in ways that I might or might not like them. Shall I stay as wise as a sage like how I've been throughout 2010, or shall jump into the kinky and perky me back in 2008? It's like a transition between teenage and adulthood, but I would like to have the best of both worlds.(no I don't really fancy Miley Cyrus)

Well, guess I shall head back to university application tomorrow, seeing how time really dislike me by driving me right to the wall.

I shall enjoy my Tang Yuan the first thing I wake up tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Buffetting : Exploration

Just wondering if any of you readers had heard of AISEC. If you have not, do click here because it really provides plenty, especially for you youths.

You probably think that you might need to spend like 5 grands or more to participate in this programs, but honestly, its way more than that.

I've just attended an info session with Ms Nicole Teo,( same surname so automatically connected very easily~) in Taylor's Business School about this, and gosh it was a real eye-opener!

So practically we can choose 2 types of programs, one of it being the project-based and another one, company-based.

Since I'm only a pre-university student, I wouldn't be eligible for the company-based as they usually take in the students in their 2nd or 3rd year in their respective degree.

Take note degree pursuers, wanna stand a chance to take an internship in the top international companies like IBM or P&W? Nab your chances fast and perform well in you interviews because you will get a heck lot of experience you will treasure forever!

So back to project based, they usually want us youths to participate in society projects like Fund Raising Campaign, Awareness Campaign of child abuse or HIV, teaching students a particular language, environmental awareness and etc.

I applied for Japan, but too bad, the Japanese companies demand hardcore workers instead of youths to preach for HIV awareness instead.

Can't really blame them though, they need to pump harder for their productivity count, even more due to the insufficient funds lately.

So I was asked to choose another country, which I had no idea where because the only place I had ever dream of going to is Japan. But seeing China and Taiwan is the next closes country which have the same dialect like I do, I chose them.

Honestly I was real worried when I discussed this over dinner yesterday with my folks. And thank god they approved, asking me to go fur thee to the European countries instead.

Gosh... me? in the Europe countries? Hmm, I have never thought of it though... Maybe I should give it a try, just o experience cultures and see the differences of standards in both countries.. who knows I can bring a change in Malaysia and earn a title in the far future? haha just joking~

Well , its confirmed that I will take on the interview in July, because it will be a real good experience,and nothing will stop me. Even if I am out of funds, I will try my best to work for it.

Anyway, so much for the exploration talk. back to business.

Pheww... just sent my MEXT application letter earlier on. Was a relief. Hopefully I was asked to attend the written exam.

Meaning I really need to start studying like nobody's business and hunt down every single pass year paper if its the last thing I do.

Sometimes it just goes blank when you think of it, and you start to question the point of doing them... Was struggling to choose between life sciences or humanities... succumbed to natural sciences in the end because I can pursue humanities without a proper scholarship.

Well... need to stop playing the sims 3 and start to work on my maths now~

PS: The Sims 3 is real addicting! Can't wait for the expansion pack by pass to appear!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Buffetting : Time management

So today we had topic on stress during MUET class, if you readers have no idea on what's that, its "Malaysia University English Test", and only Malaysian and some Singapore university actually accepts it.. See how terrible Malaysian english standard is?

Anyway, so what causes stress?

For me, the primary cause would be really poor time management, seeing that I now procrastinate to even lay some words in this 9/10 dead blog.

And guess what?

A bit old school but a time table really helps a lot in making myself more disciplined in working stuffs out.

Guess what Puan Dorris said really tapped into my own.

Owh, if you are wondering who is Puan Dorris, she is my current MUET teacher, and she really rock our whole Form 6 bottom out.

She is one of the most unbiased teacher, and she never failed to give a great advice for every problem we had ever confined with her. Well, some may disagree with me, but even my ex-buddhist society teacher wasn't as sensible and good as Puan Dorris.

An extra, I finally got my official KOPERASI acknowledgement badge!

woohoo~~~ if any of the international readers have no idea what is koperasi, its like a society which students can join to help the school to sell stuffs like school badges, t-shirts or track-bottoms, but the society do not share any of its profit with the school. As a matter of fact, students who invest on the koperasi society actually are rewarded 10% of the original amount invested.

My current school has a really good koperasi system, where the students get to learn how to earn money and learn some hospitality values, plus they actually sell biscuits and drinks, unlike my previous school.

I got to know quite a few good friends only from koperasi, and they are really great people! Overall I actually had fun working as a member, with all the benefits and experiences obtained by joining this society.

Well, guess this is enough for my school experience for the day. Time to get my brother.

Zany Zephyr

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Buffetting : Fucked up

My dog just got fucked, literally.

Though I can't blame her much, since I've only noticed her sudden growth at her tummy.

80% pregnant said Dr. Bala.

Well, guess I somehow going to be a grandfather soon.

20 more days to go.

Wonder how I'm going to feel having my own grandkids, or granddogs... whatever its called.

Beside the point that my dog mated with some unknown male, guess everything is alright.

Update more after my examination.

Tomorrow, seriously I need to pick up my books or I;m so dead for the papers coming up next week.

2 more months to SAT!

Zany Zephyr

Monday, October 19, 2009

Buffetting : New Toy

Finally, the wait is over. My new toy has arrived.

Black Bird Fly Decade Pink, a limited edition due to the popular demand from the market, Super Headz decided to manufacture another 1000 sets of this babe, along with a very special treat:
They have the super cool leather-strap! comes together with the toy-cam!!!!

haha, for collectors and cosplayers out there, you should have gotten this man, especially Kamen Rider fans, this Cam is like a must in your display wardrobe.

Alright, that was an update, will further the post when I have more time and pictures taken from the Cam itself.

Any rate, the Japanese are arriving our school tomorrow.

My last and grandest event in SMKSS17!

Wish me luck peeps and there will be photos, promise.

Zany Zephyr

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Buffetting : Waves Crazes

Just surfed through the Click Shop for some cameras...

If you are a vintage collector, you are gonna love this shop.

The fact that it is setup in Malaysia is really satisfying, though I need to go all the way to Mid Valley if I ever want to take a look in their concept store.

Anyway, looked through their item and I realized that I'm really into vintages!

Polaroid, it is truly amazing. This Instax mini 7 really had caught my eyes:

Ee Teng got a same model too, for 248 its a real deal!

Yet, for watching a little too much on Tokusatsu, this Decade Pink had also captured my attention:

Like I said, decade pink... limited edition of 1000 pieces over the globe!!! shall i get it? Can really sell for a haul for those crazy collectors!
The way they used the camera in the shows was amazing, though I doubt the images taken in the show are as normal as the ones in real life... There were definitely VFX in those images.

Well, the easily swayed nature of mine also spotted this little baby here: The Nico Digi:
1.3mega pixels yet small and handy... Japanese really like simple and sweet stuffs huh? I know... I can get some other better digi cams with the same price of 204, but it is soo cute! and so COOL! No bulky problems... but honestly, I think investing them on a camera phone is much worth the price.. Collection, maybe when I have earned my degree.

Light waves is one of the chapters I'm gonna need to study in STPM level physics... but its ok... I think I can skip it once I have got my SAT over with...

Which brings me back to studying... 3 months! Come one Tempus, 3 months of studying and body shaping!!! A brand new life awaits!

Zany Zephyr

Monday, September 21, 2009

Buffetting: Distraction V2

Finally the Harvest Moon hiatus had finally cool down, after 1 week of intensive playing.

Now, we are back to Japan Drama Fiesta!!!!

I know i know... what about SAT?

Monbukagakusho is equally important, as well as the coming 20th October.

Nevertheless, I need to download the whole drama anyway, so time is consumed, I'd rather spend the remaining time to do some chemistry and biology.

Funny though, SAT is all in objective, which means more mistakes that I might make.

Cynical I know, but still.

Before proceeding with Last Friends, lets talk a little on Crayon Shinchan.

Its creator, the late 51 years old Usui Yoshito has been announced deceased officially on the 20th September 2009, suspected to has accidentally fell down the cliff in Gunma prefecture on a photography expedition.

"According to FNN news and other various sources, a body was found in Arafune mountain and was later identified by authorities to be 「Crayon Shin-chan」 manga author Usui Yoshito (51). It is believed that he had fallen 120 meters below Tomoiwa cliff. He last told his family on September 11th that he was going hiking in Gunma Prefecture. The family later reported him missing and the Saitama Prefecture Police have been in search for Usui ever since. reports that Manga Town magazine will continue their serialization of the「Crayon Shin-chan」 manga up until the release of their December issue — in stores November. Usui had submitted 2 more chapters just before his untimely death. No word yet on the future of the TV anime series."---Courtesy of

Lets give him a 5 seconds mourn.






Thanks for your never ending laughter comic series.

Thanks for your meaningful messages conveyed through the series.

Thanks for your meaningful plot, creatively developed throughout the series.

Thanks for the times which I have enjoyed, laughed and even cried when I read your comic.





He was truly an amazingly gifted person.

watch... if you don't understand... well i can only say... get a translator...

Back to Last Friends.

Another great drama, which has won several nominations and recognition since 2008.

Though I'm only down to episode 4, this drama has really shown a few issues rising in the current society, narrowing down to:

Love,Liberation,Agony, Solitude and Contradiction.

3 of the main casts were from Nodame's Cantabile, great hit during 2007.

Guess this trio do make a great team for drama succession huh?

Anyway, the rest is up to, I should get some sleep after 4 hours of traveling back from my hometown.

Nailing Chemistry tomorrow.

Zany Zephyr

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ls,Its here

After 3 months of misery and sorrow, finally something good came into my life which is able to make me happy.


My laptop, AKA my NEW GIRL FRIEND!!!!!

Though I can't say I was very happy as I thought I would be, thanks to the shop which messed up and the laptop I was supposed to get yesterday went berserk.

And here I could only get it today.

Anyway, this baby i got off the PC Fair last week was a real bargain.

With only RM 2699 I got 8 free gifts and a 4 GB RAM upgrade~

The whole lot... Loved the bag.. click to enlarge~
Uhuh... stated up there..

Need to use this more often~~

Imagine using this in starbucks... LAME~~~

Now, to explore my girl's content~

Steamboat frenzy tonight~

Sunday, July 26, 2009

LS,Legacy of Malaysian's Star-Yasmin ahmad

Well, she isn't exactly the celebrity-star, but her arts, truly made her shine as the utmost brilliant legend in Malaysia's movie industry.

Who is she?

Yasmin Ahmad.

Yes, Malaysia's very own Ang Lee.

sorry can't find any other personas to relate her with.

anyway, I can only say this is a great loss to our filming industry, as she has made so many prominent work, which had such huge impact on our society.

I guess one of the movies which made such huge leap is Sepet.

She had successfully brought the special identity of Malaysia as the one unique multiracial society, where everyone lives together. Even with such different family and religion background, we can still live together.

The politicians of Malaysia today should really learn something from her productions.

Not to forget her meaningful Petronas Advertistments. They never failed to hit the G-spot of my soul.

hong ming, now the whole world knows you like her~~~

here's another meaningful one. this is what family is all about, not only how great their children are.

and another one, which im certain Yasmin Ahmad too had made this.

But truly, the one on Hong ming and his girl friend really hits me.

Our children are colour blind, why not keep them like that?

Yasmin, I wonder if the politicians do watch TV at all.

But sadly, on the 25rd July 2009, the 51 years old producer passed away on 11.25pm due to brain haemorrhage.

"She possessed the knack on how to capture the essence of Malaysia through her movies and commercials."

“She had a big heart and vision that we usually don’t understand. That was why people misunderstood her. But she never intended any malice,”

“Her movies are watched by all races because they can all relate to the messages conveyed."

Well, all i can say is, please Rest In Peace Yasmin.

To all Malaysians, especially the one in Entertaintment industry, you are one great Hero.

Now, is Petronas' 2010 CNY Ad is going to be different ?

PS: Her latest produtcion Talent Time is airing soon. So do google it or watch it.

PS2: Check her blog, though it's going to be deserted soon.

Bin bin bon bon,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

KZB on:Never judge a book by its cover

I wasn't one of the cynical audiences, definitely. I can't say I am never cynical, but I gave chance to the lady. She doesn't look silly, she was really cute! At least better looking than my class rep, I practically can't believe he can be a 16As scorer, seeing that how he looked.

But that is beside the point, this is what I'm talking about.

I knew something significant about this woman when I checked up on youtube. Seriously, I didn't know anything about her but the first sight, she have this special spark in her eyes. No I'm not in love with her, but she seemed to glow , A LOT.

"I dreamed a dream" from Les Miserables, Ms Susan Boyle made herself popular instantly when she sent her voice vibrating in the hall.

British Got Talent recorded every moment of her singing and sent it on air.

2,593,440 views on youtube through this link and you will know exactly how I feel.

Honestly, this brings me back on how world is getting cynical nowadays. Not giving chances to anyone when they don't look as capable as they do. But sometimes, looks do portray someone.
For example, this girl in the crowd. I bet she got thrown with rotten eggs and banana skins when she stepped into the streets. Bet she needed a plastic surgery.

But, I don't think its fair to blame her because, most of us do have the reaction that she had.

Case 1:
I rolled my eyes when I saw my class rep the first day but upon discovering his 16A1s, i think I need to roll back.

Case 2:
I rolled my eyes when I saw an amateur squash player but upon discovering he is a pro table tennis player, I rolled back again.

Case 3:
My cousin rolled his eyes when he first saw my friend's laugh but upon discovering he is the best malaysian squash player under18, he choked in his shandy.

Cynical, this is how world spins around today. People seldom present up to how they are capable of, yet, this is how we test and know someone else's sincerity. Like how restaurants have to serve every customer stepped into in the house.

Well, I know its a lil slow of me but, just wanna blog on something we go through everyday.

Swithering Away,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

KZB on: Have you gotten lasered on your head?

Hey peeps, guess plenty didn't know but I went for a minor operation for my head this morning~

I've been wondering... Can I really become a doctor when I am the regular guest for the doctors in clinics and hospitals?Owh well.... all the more reason to be one, to reduce my frequent visits to the white place, but be the host there....

Back to my operation... I can't say it was long, just a 45 minutes, and first off, he numbed my head.

I've got to say, Dr Ranjit is really good with his stuffs, and when I see him its like, this doctor is sooo trustable....

And after the anesthating, he lasered off my head.

Yes, lasered offf. Remember my post on human barbeque when I went for the JPA attachment, seeing and smelling the smell from other's body and form you own body is totally different..

I can really feel the heat even my head was numb, and it was eating me up man....

Bzzzzt... and the smell and smoke comes puffing from your own head, literally, it was a living nightmare...

Frustration magnified 100 times when you are, AWAKE!!!!

Okay, that was for 15 minutes, next was slicing and dicing...

There was a cease which i mentioned before, and it is really bothering my life so I decided to get the doctor to remove it from my head...

And thank goodness the numbster worked properly this time, and the whole process was awared, but not felt.. You will get what i mean when u get numbed but conscious of your own operation...

The sliced, and plucked, and then stitched.

Honestly, the stitching part was quite painful, when he poked the stitch into my skin, i can really feel it.

Worse, the other part of my skull's skin which by the way, not numbed got affected and was, hurting...

But, it ended fast, with the doc's professional treatment, I feel great now, without having a bulge up on my head...

Total cost= rm300 + rm40 of medicine

okay for a clinic, better than SJMC which eats up my whole operation cost here only for consultation. And have you guys heard about SJMC's rape case in the operation theatre from CCTV? I think i saw the picture censored somewhere in the web... Just google it lar~~~

or go to this site at your own risk, because i say it is quite the 18Sx thingies, and since most of the readers are 19 by this year, doesn't harm to know them.. Just don't indulge la...

You are trying to know it, not enjoy it, just like me seeing all the vulgar pictures of the decieved in JPA attachment~

Thats about it, and so long~

Swithering Away,

KZB on:100th on My Transformation

Okay peeps, i know my losing weight progress is not as significant as Robb's, but honestly, I didn't expect my change would be that much by only being consistent diet and exercising for 3 months.

Yes, by the end of 2007, most of the people around me still knew that the me was this:

Yes believe it or not, I have been a this living nightmare since I stepped into my schooling life from primary to secondary live.

I was categorized as the "Fat", "Obese" and "Fugly(Freakin Ugly)" category automatically by plenty of parties, don't wanna mention any here. But this doesn't stop me from making friends because of my friendly and chatty nature.

Until I came to senses that I started to like someone, for this matter it would be a girl during standard 5. Yeah, I was still fat,obese and fulgy then, and the whole class knew about it thanks to some backstabber who "announced" it to the whole class after out little "gang secret confession".

And the girl didn't budge, because she understood that our relationship were pure, naive friendship, and I really respected that because that is how a relationship suppose to start.

Until a day when I accidentally heard a conversation between she and another friend of hers, (a girl also). It is a little vague by now, but i still remember the one thing one of them mentioned:

"He is so fat and ugly! I don't think anyone would want to be with him, even he is in secondary school!"

And that I when I gave up, Forever.

When I stepped into secondary school, I kinda got a crush into a few girls since form 1 or 2, but deep down inside, I knew a relationship will NEVER happen.

I mean come on, who would want a huge, giant jelly to stand beside her when she goes for shopping or what ever reasons when she need her boyfriend to be around??? Go figure~

I know about the crappy "inner side" comes first, looks the second.

Face the facts, this would never happen, because I dare say mysef, I am judging the same way as other humans would.

So, I gave up in getting into a relationship, with a girl that is.

And time passes as my heart closes towards any relations, I never take my chances even there was.

To me, I respect the girl as a friend, I can share secrets and listen out, but honestly to have a really special bond with her, ie: her boyfriend, I don't think I can bare with it.

I know even I asked, the answer would be :NO

So why bother asking, when you know you definitely be rejected?

Until it comes to the holidays in 2007, my form 4 year.

When Herbalife came into my life, it all had changed...

I took the diet programme and consistently went for exercise, and before I knew it, I became this:

I lost freaking 25 KG in 3 month's time , thanks to this product my parents had introduced to me. They had tried plenty, from some soy thingy to London's diet, but this, Herbalife had made a great impact in my life.

from 2007

See the difference? Haha when I stepped into my school the first day, the replies I got was:

"Omg Bin!!! What did you do? Anaeroxia ar???"

"Yong Bin!!!! You slim down a lot already!!! What happen to you??!!!!"

"Your parents starve you everyday or something is it???!!!"

All I answered was, i think I'm still fat..

And honestly, I didn't realise the HUGE difference until my friends were like pointing out all the signs and sizes I had. From my prefect's blazer to my pants to my face and to my tummy.

And this year, is when everyone started to ask the same question, almost everyone:

"eh.. I bet you got girl friend now right?"

"when can I meet your girl whey...."

"arh... I know you and the "XXX" are togther ar...."

And all I replied was NO.

to 2008

I do not and not going to have any , not until I'm really ready or so to speak, be sure of it.

The normal girls which are normally seen walking with me would be Jessica Tee, Yuet Yin, Yuee Jhian and some other girls but honestly, they are really good friends that I have.

Freankly speaking, I have no idea how easily I can get close to girls.

Seriously, I'm not being over-confident or boasting(yes hannah, I'm trying to counter your statement) but I tends to , I don't know, know a girl so quickly that they were willing to spill their secrets. And I kept them, at least all of them.

Sometimes, the guys around me hate me so much, yet they love, because I am so close with the girls they like. And here I'm still single.

Even the girls sometimes ask me:"Eh, have you been into a relationship before?"

No. The same answer repeats. I know I would be rejected, so why bother asking?

SLSE(Super Low Self Esteem), yes I am having this syndrome, especially when I am dealing with relationships. Even after I had changed from ugly pig to at least close to a mighty stag,(metaphorically), I didn't get into a relationship.

I know, that after all the years of confining myself, I could never, (maybe not never), HARDLY, be together with a girl. And this really gives me a migrane on my sexual orientation.

I had crush on a girl, few years back. But now, I don't dare to. In fact, I think I had a crush on a guy!(Omgosh... Ya I know what you are thinking...) I might be a gay...

But I'm not betting on it, at least not yet because I'm still having a hard time differentiating the term "like" and "admiration" , so I wouldn't make any conclusions yet, as I can be swayed , either way, depends on my status...

Well, maybe until I find a girl that can make me go breatheless, I should just lay low and study... or check out something else...

My boyfriend!!!! Haha my brother la.... We don't look alike, do we?

Losing my weight down to 80kg!!!! (im still 90 now~~~~T-T)

Swithering Away,