Friday, December 30, 2011

Buffetting : JLPT N2

Well since I've taken JLPT N3 Last year, of course which I've passed, all the more reason and courage for me to take up N2 this year.

However, I was a lil over ambitious thinking that I can cope with N2 and university life and also an on-going Japanese class.

Which means traveling back to SJ from Serdang every Wednesday and Saturday for 3 months.

Sheesh, what's worse the work load packs up from 3 different programs, I can barely finish the work for each.

What's worst, apparently from 11 JLPT N2 class members, only 3 members are taking, and also only 3 members were from Advance level 6 and below. The other 8 members were like I don't know, Advance 14 or 15?

Yet, well we survived the preparatory course and the N2 test was okay. Better than expected, I guess language is still my thing.

Well, everything which requires practices everyday and taking up unintentionally is my thing anyway.

So the results is going to be out on March. Cross my fingers.

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