Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Buffetting : Standing by the side lines

Were you ever the person who stood right in front of the battlefield?

Have you ever took part in any events or projects in your alma mater?

Or normally you would just stay by the side line?

Honestly. being the person in charge ain't as glorious as everyone sees.

I've been holding such immense power once in my life, and it was real tiring.

Yes the experience is noble and coveted.

But the pain and stress something is just unbearable.

Worse, the party who intended to take part, stands by the side line, watch you scum and they takes the pride.

That is what making the person who stands at the front line gets even more upset than ever.

I believe in will. I have proved it to myself long time ago, and I still believe in it.

If you don't even bother to have the will to take part, why even be part of it anyway?

So, I've decided.

This event is going to be the last event I will be taking part and holding responsible in this compound.

Anyway, I will be heading off somewhere next February, so no hard feelings there.

I'm going to stand by the side lines.

And lead my life.

My original motive when I had stepped into this school grounds.

Back to Xanadu.

I've decided to also let things go by its course.

I have no control in anything by now.

If the majority says cool, who am I to say lame?

there was another thought. Might as well just ditch it.

Since it doesn't make much difference anyway.

I have doing that a lot lately. It's like a routine now, but I've never regretted them.

It's my life, I've learned to accept and move on.

Rambles huh? Yea I know.

20th October is coming soon. I wonder if I have what it takes to be on the stage. Hopefully I don't fumble and go "GAGA" literally on the metallic-tabled stage.

did I mention that my school "recycles" EVERYTHING?

They can cut up wooden tables to make chairs and stools.

The can arrange a whole lot of used metallic tables and make a stage out of them.

Talk about innovation, but I don't think a stage should be made that way.

Insurance may not be claimed that way.

Well, I'm no insurance agent so comments restricted...





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