Monday, January 7, 2013

Buffetting : Sometimes

I do think seriously, that my life's a miracle.

I'd probably would have died if I were to be in my current shoes back in the lower forms.

Making letters for transports, Finals, Dogathon planning, Vet camp, Pesta Ang Pau in my college...

But I have yet to find time to wash my car. Dang.


  1. When life gives you bigger pie, you learn to swallow =D

    All the best!!!

  2. Seems like if u manage to pull through all these, it gonna be one hell of a good experience =)

    Pesta Ang Pau! Sounds like fun. Can I watch? hehe =D

    1. Sure! You can come to K17 and buy a ticket to enter! But I wouldn't be there cause I have Vet dinner haha. But the one you should watch is the UPM PEsta Ang Pau! I will invite you once they've gotten the event page up!

  3. got free Ang Pow is it on the Pesta Ang Pow?:D
    just send to the car wash like me if you're busy to wash.

    1. but my car is going to get whacked up pretty bad if i did. As for ang pow in the PAP, yes i think it comes with a complimentary ang pow!
