Saturday, January 14, 2012

Buffetting : Relief, or Not?

Well, today marked my last exam paper in my 1st semester, and hopefully not Final semester now in UPM.

Nothing much, every I've studied pretty much came out just like that, and some or what not.

However, something spectacular happened.

Rmb my lecturer who is funny? She is good, and seriously she is. And before our animal Agriculture paper ended today, while they make final counts for the number of script to prevent loss counts, she mentioned that it have came to HER attention that someone is leaving the course,

Which is Me.

If I do not succeed in persuading my mom.

She mentioned on how engineers, architects and even medical officers might go jobless at economy crisis or riots, and vets will survive.

Because every nation still needs to eat, regardless if there's an economy crisis or not.

Livestock need to continue to breed and slaughtered for feed, even if there's vegetarian.

So, continue.

She met me personally after class, telling me how she have created a niche for us vets to do well in Malaysia.

And she told me if I want to do something badly, ask nicely.

And I guess that's what I will need to do for now.

Talk and ask nicely.

Well, wish me luck and hopefully I'm a full fledged veterinarian in the future.


  1. *pats back

    Hope everything turn out fine.

  2. @del: thanks man. Haven't been hearing from you for a while now!
