Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Buffetting : Embracing Tradition 2

Back to upholding another tradition.

When it comes to CNY, what youngsters anticipate most?

Yes, Ang Pao, also known as Red Packets, or Red Envelope as suggested by Wiki.

The whole diversity of ang paos are available in the link stated, so Binn shall spare you the eyesore of a long post.

As for Binn's family, red packets don't come around that easily. As cliche as it sounds, there ain't no free lunch in the world, not even for kids.

What the family does is that, when there's an adult distributing angpaos, the kids are all required to line up, and wish the adult with phrases and chinese 4 versed idioms in order to pass the Family Quality Check and receive their red packets.

The typical idioms normal goes like this:(pardon me for the weird translation cause Binn's doing direct translation)

恭喜发财(Congratulation on getting rich),万事如意(All Plans Proceed as Expected),
金玉满堂(Gold and Jade Filled in the House),身体健康(Best Health Attained),
年年有余(Blessed with Extras Annually),步步高升(Getting Higher Every Steps),财源广进(More Business and Financial Fount) and the list goes on.

Binn normal lists 20 just to be on the save side, usually within a minute's time.

Why? Being one of the eldest around, there's a certain reputation and standard to keep up.

So, any weird traditions you keep at home?

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