Sunday, February 1, 2015

Buffetting : Giving

I was doing some grocery shopping just today in Aeon Big while holding a bunch of stuffs in my hands and hugging them close to my body because I didn't want to get a trolley; while the mini trolleys are some how missing in the entrance.

When I was queuing up behind a middle-aged man he looked at me for a while before saying:

"Young man do you want to go first? I have all the time. You on the other hand seemed to be a hand-full literally right now."

I accepted the kind gesture and told him I was actually eyeing on the mini trolley by the cashier.

Without hesitation he grabbed the trolley and put it in front of me while the other aunties queuing in front looked at what we were doing.

We chatted for a while over the queue and knew more about our background.

Without introducing ourselves as what race or cultural background, we managed to understand each others' life sublty; he would have kept dogs but it would be troublesome and hectic to perform cleansing for his religion while I would have kept cats if my family were open to them.

He is "just" a director in Pharmaniaga while I'm only a vet student in UPM.

It's really nice because all these just went on like we are both decent human being; while he definitely have an apt level of English from his education background in UM in THOSE days; unlike the bigots today.

The point is, it never harms to be nice to others in our daily lives because karma's a bitch and it bites you whenever it can; just like today. A person as highly educated with sophisticated background as this man offered his hand to help me with just a simple gesture.

Mr Suffian, whether if you've seen this or not, my good wishes to you and your family. May you be well and happy always; and you seemed to be happy too.


  1. Love this post. It shows that there are people who are although holding high prestige position in society but still down to eart, humble, and kind without showing off his status or title. We should all learn to be that kind of man. So, you don't berlagak-lagak in future, kay? LOL

    1. Why you tetiba assume I would berlagak in the future?!!!!

    2. Not assume. Nasihat je... :D

    3. MEHHHHHH macam saya akan jadi femes sesangat untuk jadi berlagak-lagakkk

  2. it's a rarity nowadays to be able to initiate a decent chat with people. My previous job required to do such thing with stranger because it is a must-do on daily basis. Then I realized people can be nice to you when you be nice in return. That's simple.

    1. Well, I somehow didn't find much problem to initiate chats with people though; maybe I just don't give the very oppressive vibes like most other people with bigger size does.

      Karma is a bitch, so it never harms to be extra nice! Unless the other person is already a bitch.

  3. As sad as it sounds, decent people are spread thin in our society today :|

    1. Yea that's really sad with the increasing douche around. But if we play our parts and try to change a little bit, at least the seed of hope is still there!
