Friday, July 17, 2009

LS,Life and Line

Engineers of Tomorrow~~~

After 5 weeks, I've finally stepped in to the grounds of Taylors University College again. Well, I did meet some of my old friends here and there..

All asking the same ol' "why are you in WHITE?" question.

Anyway, the main purpose is to participate in this:

Most may wonder... Binn hated physics why is he doing this? well because I am a sub, but i still did contribute ideas and energy to the whole project throughout the period ok?

Anyway, the whole idea of this competition is to find the best design of CO2 generated car, without any leakages in form of liquid or solid. Objective, the furthest car from the respective team wins.

so my school(ss17 if you are lost) sent 2 teams, 1st team comprising Jia wei, may yuan ,jia chen and me(sub but i still get the cert~>.<) and a second team of Yong Shiang, Tien Siang, Calvin and Yi Won.

I'd say we make a perfect team, 8 of us. Creativity, inovation,communication( well we do argue at some point) and spirit. We may not have gotten champion, but we know if we had enough resources we might have a better chance.

Yet, we still got what we had achieved. Now, during the competition.

I'd say the whole place was tense because it was filled with Chinese and you can smell the "kiasu-ness" in the air literally, of the stud's sweat and all.

One thing is for sure, there are much more men over the ladies. Don't ask me why, its just the stereotyping atmosphere in the parking lot. We were lucky to be the first group to laid in the yellow track.

Our first trial was quite sucky, because the car moved towards the left. We were suppose to fix the problem, and i knew it was the left balancing rod of the car, because the right one was doomed to oblivion, I'd suggested taking out the left one.

And there we go and people insisted on not changing the structure claiming we have no time... so we went on without any changes. The only difference was making sure we had enough pressure for the car to move, without any chance for the reactants to leak the CO2 gas before we screw the nozzle in.

Did we make it better?


Nope it got suckier. Same problem. Car tilted to the left.

Owh well... I still remember May Yuan's quote during the competition.

"Pressure kaw lat..." ---May Yuan

On the bright side, the 2nd group did a very good job. They had problem in their first trial due to the worn out nozzle they have been using. The gas kept leaking from the spacing between the nozzle.

Problem identified, we lent them our nozzle since it was in perfect condition.

There you go. From 0 cm to 859cm distance. With our amount of reactant I'd say we did a great job.

Did I mentioned my group's score? First trial was 256 and the 2nd was 231. Bummer huh?

So.... The by the end of the day, our school got the 2nd place, 2nd runner went to SMK Taman Sea and SMJK Yin Hwa nabbed Champion.

I am still whining because I don't get to have a trophy like the guys in group 2,but I was a sub and I still participated, any of you readers did?

Last but not least, I present you pictures:
seriously, i think i have a flair in behaving like an engineer... maybe its in my option now.

How they sleep in the class... candid of the day~


  1. Aww....I'm so envious.

    Wonder if there is some sort of dissecting frogs or mice competition for biology-inclined students.

  2. i don't think so... cause biology is so life-orientated... i guess chem and physics is much more flexible

  3. dude... no offense, but it's Hin Hua High School, and it's not a SMJK as well...
