Thursday, March 31, 2016

Auscultating: Vet Dinner 2016

Supposedly my last Vet Dinner but since I'm going to graduate a year later; it's the last one with my favorite batch.

As per usual, the theme comes in for Vet Dinner every year; while 2016 we collectively voted "Be Your Self".

Well me being me, guess what I've decided to pull off?

One of my lecturer who came back from Japan said she wanted to pull off her Yukata as well, but it was a little show off so she didn't. Guess who is the crazier attention seeker? *point at me*

The dinner over the 5 years were fun, and I missed out the one in 2015 simply because "Pastel" wasn't my cup of tea to dwell in for dressing up. 

Let's have a recap on the previous Vet Dinners should we?


Young and naive, boy I missed my body when I was at this age. The theme was Masquerade. But, I honestly couldn't feel the whole theme simply because the ballroom dancing didn't happen.


Finally it became my batch's turn to host the Vet Dinner 2013 with the theme of "Atlantis". It was supposed to be "Poseidon's Paradise" until some religious twarp said that we are worshiping another god. Well, the dinner turned out to be fine anyway, even had me performing on stage. 


It was my current batch's turn to host instead, with the theme of  Retro 80's dinner. Finally sometime for me to chill down and not do anything during events. The dinner was okay, honestly I went because I wanted to support a good friend who directed the dinner, as well as my need to be staged to get my certificate as Dogathon 2013 co-director.

Well in 2016, we pretty much did the same thing like previous years do; the speeches, the performances, overpriced food.

But the point was to celebrate with our own batch's perseverance in hitting the 5th year. Man it was a long ride from the first, and it wasn't easy to stay on board and not sink throughout the crazy curriculum

A little surprise this year, for I became too much of a showoff, I got myself the Best Dressed Male among the participants. It's an honor, provided I did not slip or drop any of my yukata pieces along the way to get the little plastic trophy.

All and all, it was a great night with extremely good company. The only pity was my current batch turn up population was, 0. A big fat ZERO.

Even my lecturer asked if my current batch boycotted my original batch together.

I don't know. Honestly. The only answer they had was, test is coming up.
one of my favorite pictures. Why? Because you have crazy lecturers like them makes vet life awesome.

But hey, I turned up.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Auscultating : Dogathon 2015

It happened in 2016 this time round due to a rabies outbreak last year, leading to a ban in dog activities by our dean in September.

However, the spirit still remains and the crowd we had this year was rowdier than ever!

Being my 5th year in Dogathon, I've finally jumped out the force labor bandwagon and get into skilled labor this year instead.

Medieval called this year with our furry friends, for the theme revolving all elements to make Dogathon 2015 a success; bravo to all decor, promotional leaflets, videos as well games!

Being the skilled labor, I volunteered in the Physical Examination booth for the event in the earliest slot. Plenty of people do not understand why I had to wake up at 5.30 am in that morning to help out; because I had to attend the shift for dog race participants come at 6 am!

I had to pair with a 5th year senior for her to guide me through the PE since she was the experienced one, but I basically work well with all DVM 5s so the whole day was a breeze~What we do as volunteers there basically is to check on the basic health of the dogs participating Dogathon to see if they are fit with criteria such as:

- not severely infested with tick
- puppies unvaccinated completely
- bitches on heat
- overly uncooperative dogs.

It was really fun being the PE labor because I get to see a lot of different owners and dogs, communicating with them as well as practicing history taking. While I need to be extremely careful to not make any suggestions to the owners as I am yet a licensed vet, I enjoyed the whole process despite the sweat and a dog bite from a 30kg German Shepard Dog.

This year, I even had the chance to help out in performing the PE for Malaysia's Fire Fighting Squad dogs, for they are the sweetest dogs around! They were Cockerspaniels and Labradors trained in UK to scent out flammables like kerosene when they work with their partners in missions. I didn't realize I was being filmed, despite that my senior managed to mask my face.

I only had till 10.30 am around the event bec
ause I had to attend cases in the Large Animal Ward under my ruminant rotation, but it was good enough for me to make a good stroll to meet people I know.

The event is a noble and fun one, hopefully it doesn't stop after this year's!