Time to face the facts.
The results were out yesterday, and the only answers I've got wasn't particularly for myself, but for people who ask about them.
Scenario prior to release of results:
A: eh so you still studying ar?
B: no la... just finish STPM ni.
A: Wah, so results out ledi do what?
B: Don't know hows the results leh... so see first lor..
A: owh, ok ok~
Scenario after the release of results:(simulated by ME)
A: eh so how is your STPM results?
B: 4 As lor..
A: Wah! 4 flat ar?
*awkward silence and eyes staring at Buddha knows where*
A: ok la... can enter uni di..

Get what I mean?
Well, I think I shall spare you readers from my bitterness, lets talk about the process prior to receiving the results!
So, I was there a lil late, about 12.15 when most of the ex-form 6s were sitting in the hall with weird stares.
When the Principal announced that no 4 flat candidates existed, my whole heart sank and thoughts were plain:
" Please A- for PA is fine, just let me have all As for the core subjects!"
And you know how fussy principal can get when it comes to stuffs like results. So, went on babbling just to make those butterflies in the stomach get from jazz to cha cha.
As clock strikes 12.30, all teachers were given the power to release the STPM results, academic records, co-curriculum records and testimonials.
I was the third person to get the results, but even before I got mine, the form 6 accounts teacher came up to me and said:
Y: Wah yong bin congratulations ar!
B: Hah? What do you mean? No one got 4 flat in the school ! Whats there to be happy about?
Y:Aiyar, but you are already the best student in the school already!
B: WHAT???!!! How'd you know? I mean...
And my class teacher called.

I went over, got my slip and documents. A few more teachers popped up and start asking what am I expecting, and saying that I should do well and all sorts.
I smiled and replied and when I was to walk out of the hall to open my slip, the Pre-U coordinator insisted on me to open in up in the hall.
I shuffled back inside and stared at her.
Before I knew it, there were like at least 10 cameras, including DSLR and HD digital cams snapping their way, forming a parameter around me!
As dramatic as it sounded, I am not joking!
Within seconds, I saw a huge another sea of delocalized black hairs, tudungs and yellow uniforms surrounding me.
Gosh, can you imagine the pressure and looks of anticipation in their eyes? Even my anticipation wasn't as glaring as their stares!
The whole process took quite a while as I tore the side pieces sealing the slip.
Why? I was freaking trembling when I tore the pieces of papers and I swear I was going to cry.
As I opened up the slip,

Taadaaa... 4 seconds spent to screen and confirm my results.
And I just screamed like a man, followed by burst of tears.
I was like outta control! I guess I wouldn't have cried if I were to opened the slip alone outside the hall.
But with the immense amount of pressure from the crowd, I just couldn't help it.
It was just too much too handle.
The principal stared at me, and I started shaking her hand with all my energy.
Before I took my hand off, she asked:
"Eh, takder hug ke?"
I pawed my body on hers and just cried and cried.
I have to admit her body was real comfortable to be used as mattress material, minus the perfumes cause I never like perfumes.
And the whole process continued with hugging and thanking the teachers, and of course receiving blessings and congratulating words from the teachers and juniors.
The juniors, didn't hesitate to come over and asked about tips on studies and co-curriculum, at the same time to touch my hands in order to get some "aura" so that they can do as well, or better than me in 2011's STPM.
Somehow, I think I have already adapted to the environment where people come over and ask questions from me, because of the small population of students in SMKSS17.
They were real amazed of the fact that I can keep up with my studies, as well as SEEMED to be active in the co-curriculum activities.
Undeniably, I was active in most eventing co-curriculum activities instead of the core ones, like sports or uniform body.
Yet, I was lucky and also wise enough to nab opportunities while they are available to increase my co-curriculum scores. So, those activities are as below:

Asst Secretary of Form 6 Council, it was pure support form seniors while they elected the committee last year, but I did a fare share of job by somehow taking over the president's job in throwing fun raisers and handling events.

Photography Exco of Debate and Drama club, as cheesy as the position sounded, I took it as it provides some marks in my card. Plus, I was also the sole photographer of the club during meetings and debates, so not much comment on it.

President of Buddhist Fellowship, it was pure LUCK. The teacher in charge was searching for a person who had some background in Buddhism and I think she found her way in getting my history from the previous school and *ding*, I was elected as the new president. Since it was a new reconstituted club, I had to work hard to pulling in members and arranging meeting sessions(though I'd just reused the minutes from the previous school), along with new speakers and venues. Yet, it was a enriching to be given the honor and run the whole club. The talks and stories by the speaker reminded me of how analytical I've became after 1 year of form 6 studies.
Not to forget Koperasi!!!! I've dedicated a post for it. Well, had my share of fun and learning on hospitality and accountancy. I'm glad I mad a right choice in being a part of the great family. Thanks Koperasi SS17, you peeps rock!

And all the events around the school. Thanks to some jackass who submitted my name for some weird emcee job, I was practically sentenced to be the emcee of 80% of the school's events. Fine they did help me in my presentation skills, but the long hours sitting there and asking the students to repeatingly going up and down the stage without my chemistry homework was real torturing you digg?? Guess it started off with Pn Beh's retirement, Jap Exchange,Hari Graduasi 2009, then stuffs like Form 6 Marching and Golden Friday Camp comes in...
I guess my form 6 life was pretty much colorful. STPM was just one of aspects, with 50% weight I would say. The experiences, the teachers, the company, and the school, I definitely have made the perfect choice entering SMKSS17.

congratulations! tats a great result. :)
ReplyDeletehaha thanks medie! im still going to be lifeless, because that's what my whole environment at home geared me towards. at least by then i have great excuses to not be available XD
ReplyDeletenow gimme all ur lucks! muahahaha. need a lot of 'em for my finals. T.T 21 days!!!! T.T
ReplyDeletethe most horrible and freakiest nightmare... like, ever!
finals ar? good luck la... i have no idea how your medicine final exam will test out but sure thing!!! may you pass ur finals with FLYING COLOURS ar!!!! Will do some metta(some buddhism thingy la) for u tonight when im doing it for another friend XD
ReplyDeletewell, i guess ur worst nightmare will come later hahaha~
Wow congrat. Maybe your age 25 now but thanks to share your story. I really sure you finish your degree