Saturday, April 11, 2009

KZB on:Why Asians rocked Europians

Peeps, this is after watching several movies the Westerners dubbed the Asian's version of animations and creations....

The easiest comparison will be the conversion of Japanese Super Sentai to Power Rangers.

No doubt those who were born in the 20th century has been living their childhood with Power Rangers, and not to forget the super cool Power Rangers : The Movie.
The best series ever..

Yes,Saban did a great job up till year 2000. But when we stepped into the new millineum, Ho hou... That is when the Asian revelation rocks the earth man~~

For example, the 2008 Power Rangers :JungleFury by Disney, they are nothing but a piece of cheesy child's play.. There is no originality, nor any creativity...
From a cool show of Japanese sentai,

To a no sense of fashion's screen play...

Shade morphers???? Wthe hell???!!!!

And now,we have the Dragon Ball Evolution,which I don't think I need any further explanations, as I had already posted about it....

From a super cool show~

to a sucking piece of crap like this...

so its so clear that us asian rock more than westerners right?

this guy speaks my point man...

and now, I present to you some Asian made videos, which proves my point, that Asian Dubbing rocks over Westerners dubbing..

ryan higa rocks over westerners lar~~~ Asians Forever!!!!!!

All credits go to ryan higa, you can go to his link through this , their videos rock big time!!!

Swithering away,


  1. Lol.. They are definitely some funny vids...

    They also remind me of the upcoming film from Thailand.. Power Kids =.= Which will be on screen around May..

  2. power kids? you serious?!

    what is it going to be about anyway?
